Friday, June 22, 2018

Humans - An Endangered Species

In the Sinhalese language 'human' is called a "Manussa'. Its a combination of two words: Mana and Ussa. The meanings being 'Mana" (mind) and "Ussa' (high). Basically a being with a higher mind. I remember my mother telling this to me. I don't remember when and where but I have never forgotten this. It was very appealing to me. It sounded good and just and fitting.

But from that time to now I have grown and seen much, heard much and experienced much. I have had time to digest much as well and see it from many different angles. But today I felt sad. It has been coming on for a while now. I was sad at humans. What we seem to have become and are becoming. I feel disappointed and sad. I feel frustration and sometime anger. I feel these towards humans. 

Today it all came together in this news that I saw on Facebook where a group of 'human men' in Sri Lanka have captured a cheetah and clobbered it to death. There were pictures of this human men taking selfies with the innocent animal they have killed. I was aghast. Beyond words at seeing the news and the pictures. My heart was broken. The last few days I was also taunted by the news and sights of children being separated from their mothers in America. Thousands of children who were crossing the border with their mothers have been separated and taken in by the authorities (human men and women) and kept in foster homes, shelters and some even in cages. The sights and sounds of children crying for their mothers was and still is heart breaking. Yes their mothers may have broken the law by crossing the border illegally. But what are the American human men and women doing? Worse than breaking a law. It's breaking apart humanity itself.

These thoughts have simmered in my mind for a few days and when I saw the pictures of the clobbered animal I felt shame. I felt shame that we as humans have stooped to such low standards. I felt frustrated that increasingly these negative behaviors are escalating irrespective of country, ethnicity and religion. I felt helpless and hopeless. Helpless in the face of unimaginable pain that we humans inflict on others; humans and animals. Helpless because I don't know what to do, where to start. Hopeless, cause I feel the ebbing of the essence being human. 

If we are of the higher mind, I question then, how can we commit such crimes against our own kind and others? If we are of the higher mind, how can we condone such acts committed by other humans? It seems there are those who hold power, those who have money and influence seem to be by standers of these acts. That for them it's simply evening news that has "nothing to with us". 

It seems that the world is losing it's humans "the higher minded" kind. Perhaps we have the form of a human but the essence of it is being lost, destroyed, forgotten. It seems it's giving way to something that I cannot or don't want to know. A cross between an animal and that of a ghost realm, an evil realm. A new kind of being that lacks any sense of morality, goodness, shame and fear of doing wrong. Certainly this new species cannot be called 'human'. 

This is why I called the blog "Humans - An Endangered Species". Now we are not threatened by anyone else other then our own. It is we who are endangering humans. If a lions doesn't roar and kills and act like a lion would you call is a lion? If a cat starts roaring and killing would you call it a cat? If a dog doesn't wag its tail and bark would you call it a dog? I'm simply asking a question. In the same way if a human cannot empathize, show love, compassion, kindness and generosity of hear would you or can you call it a human? 

I have been very fortunate in my life to have had incredible associations. Wise teachers, friends who live up to the definition of 'human' or perhaps go beyond the term. So for me there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Even in my despair I can think of them, hear them and meet them and know that there is that bright light that still shines in this world. I know I am a good person. That I have light in myself. But what about those who don't have this? What about those of us that cannot see such humans who embody goodness and light? What about those of us who have little light in us (and there are those). What could possibly give them hope? A sense of there is light at the end of the darkness? What happens to them? There only exposure could be the negativities and unkindness of the humans. Would they only see darkness within and without? Would they feel hopeless and helpless and the only way out is to fight and flight?

These are hard choices. The Buddha said that good associations are all of our spiritual life. That good and timely associations can lead us out of darkness and into light. But what if that choice isn't present in peoples lives? Will they go from darkness and into further darkness? I question these. 

While I feel helpless in my ability to do much to alleviate the pain of many, I realize that I can be a light by being a good and virtuous person. As I was looking at myself and asking what can I do?, I realize that it is even more important for me to put forth more effort and energy into my practice. I realize even if it's just a smile, a kind word it's better than none. So I today made a determination - yes I may not be an activist or a spokesperson or part of a club that can reach those who need...but in my own way, I can make a difference. However small it's a difference towards light and goodness.