The Buddha said that Craving is the Second Noble Truth. It is the cause of all of our Suffering (Dukka). Craving is also known as Desire or wanting. As the Buddha pointed out there are two extremes to avoid: the one end of that continuum is self-indulgence and the other end is self-mortification. So, in craving or wanting one end of wanting is getting want you want (equivalent to self-indulgence) the other end is not getting what you want or rejecting everything (equivalent to self-mortification). At least this is my understanding of craving.
So we need to avoid both wanting and not wanting in order to let go of craving. What a powerful understanding!
I have been meditating for quite sometime now and have known this to be true. But only a few days ago did I see this within me with such power. I felt almost paralysed. I felt fear. How can I ever let go of something so powerful, I wondered. I have done all this work, to come back to the very root all over...I felt disheartened...but after some contemplation, I felt much relief. I felt that the road has been made clear for me. At least I know the way. It`s OK. Even if I come back to it a million times, I am coming back to a Noble Truth. It needs be seen again and again until I cannot see it no more. That`s what the Buddha said.
So I feel relief and I feel renewed in my efforts to walk the path with vigor. The work that needs to be done is much.
The more I see craving of wanting and not wanting, I learn to make peace with it, I learn to let go my craving. Even if that craving is for one little thing, even if that craving is for one moment in time. Ajahn Brahm, in his meditation retreat gave the most wonderful piece of advice, which I have taken in both my hands and put in front of my minds eye to see every moment of my day and that is `to make peace, be kind, be gentle and be patient`. I have found that to be an excellent antidote for craving and letting go of craving.
Of course, I will not pretend to say that I can do it all the time. There are many many moment that even when I remember his words so clearly that I am unable to do anything about it. Power of craving is such that you get swept away by it so fast that you are left helpless and it`s mercy as if a tsunami has hit you. But on occasions and they have increased over the last three years, I have been able to use those words to my benefits. To find peace, to put my mind at ease.
Sometimes, I do believe that when that very moment when the burning of craving stops and that feeling of relief and peace settles, I truly believe that in that there is that essence of Nibbana there. Even if it is a moment, a rarest of glimpse, a faint light at the end of the tunnel, I firmly believe that is what NIbbana must taste like. Like stepping into the fall air, crisp and full; feeling of total peace and relief. Like a workload being put down.
It`s an alluring feeling. You want to feel it over and over again because it`s such a relief like nothing has ever given you. Makes one appreciate the Buddha for what he has done and given to the world.
But despite all that, craving rises again. Its tentacles firmly gripping you in its power. I am amazed at it. We have no choice, almost. To some degree I have some to have a lot of compassion for people and less judgmental of those who are around me. I used to be very judgmental. I always thought I was better and that if I put my mind to it, I could rise above things and be better. I always wondered why other could not do that. But now I see that I am no better than others. That we are all just trapped (I mean not entirely) but quite a bit. It`s difficult. It`s not easy to establish mindfulness. It`s not easy to show loving-kindness, compassion etc. They are difficult to come by (I am talking about myself). So how can I judge another for their lack of it when I myself am struggling.
Craving is powerful. We don`t know this. Not knowing it makes it even worse. It`s like having a cancer and not knowing we have a cancer. Basically we will not treat it so it will continue to grow and we will suffer and suffer and we will in the end die of it. Craving is the same. If we don`t see it, it will consume us, it will make us suffer....oh it will not kill us, it will make us live longer and longer in samsara and suffer and suffer and there will be no end to it. At least with cancer there will be death but with Craving no such luck.
So let us work to let go of craving and find peace in our hearts forever!
With metta