Recently I was talking about about positive and negative energies and how those who are in lower realms have negative or low energies and those in higher realms have positive or high energies. So I thought of writing a blog, so I will not forget.
Unlike our bodies which are made out of physical elements, our minds are pure energies which change from moment to moment. Thoughts, I believe, are nothing but mere play of energies. Each thought carries with it a unique signature of energy which moves in the continuum of positive to negative energy with some lying in neutral. Energies, according to physics don't just die or disappear. So, whatever we think, create energies that carry from one moment to another, from one life to another and so on and on...
These energies depending on their strength and where they lie in the continuum, can be very strong or may not have any strength at all. Someone who kills his or her mother or father creates extremely negative energies which are very strong but are also very negative. But someone who attains arahantship creates also creates very strong energies but they are very positive. So they each carry with them their own results.
But of course it's only a play of energies. As the Buddha once said, "there is no one doing the deed and no one reaping the result". It's only the energies and movement of it from one moment to another. But for some reason, they require and existence and a physical body. I believe, this body part comes as a result of the ignorance. So, ignorance creates the physical appearance which feeds into the delusion and further makes one feels there is a doer and a feeler in the process.
In particular I was interested why Buddha so stressed the importance of good friends in travelling the path. I was also considering it in terms of energies. Of course while it is purely hypothetical, and while Buddha discouraged any kind of unnecessary speculations, I could not help wondering whether the play of energies also had something to do with it
Think about it. Energy is very powerful. We are drawn to strong energies. Sometime we are drawn to strong energies even if they are harmful to us. So, a friend who is not a "Kalyana Mitta" has negative energies, that may draw us in the wrong direction. If our energy is not strong enough, perhaps we may get carried away in the wrong direction. Or if we have negative energy that unites with the negative energies with another person that perhaps might a union with is not very beneficial.
In the same fashion, a "Kalyana Mitta' might pull us in the right direction. They might elevate us to a level that may have not been possible, had we been by ourselves. The Buddha, for those who met and learnt from HIM, was their biggest "Kalyana Mitta". The Buddha had enormous positive energy that could pull people out of depth of misery (of course not everyone)...but he had that ability. There could be hundreds of people who may walk the earth right this moment, who may benefit in the same fashion, if a Buddha had been born to this earth right now!
Anyway, my point is that I think we are beings of energies. I mean thoughts are what we create....who knows what thought exist in whose mind....a "thought" is also a concept we have created....but if we drop the concept....the thought is created as a movement in our mind....that movement disturbs something...and that creates something....what we call a thought is a moment of reaction in the universe...when two things collide in physics what comes out is "energy". So I believe, our thoughts are energies and as a result so are we (I mean in a conceptual sort of way).
Nice point to contemplate on isn't it...energies at play!